DCM Engineering organizes regular free medical camps both in and outside the company premises. Doctors advise and educate the community on various health issues as a preventive measure. Services of our doctors and medical facility of the company are extended to local inhabitants free of cost. Company organized eye checkup and blood donation camp for employees. The donated blood was handed over to Chandigarh Blood Bank Society for community benefit. The company’s ambulance has ferried emergency patients even upto Chandigarh and Ludhiana, all free of cost.
Company’s policy of planting one tree on each employee’s birthday has born fruit and today we boost of having planted more than 2000 saplings. This is also helping in sensitizing the employees and their families about the need for trees to save our environment. This reflects in the general positive attitude within community towards environment.
Festivals of different religions are organised and celebrated. Employees and management organise such events with lots of devotion and gaiety. Every year at DCM Engineering begins with Sarva Dharma Sabha wherein religious prayers are offered for all religions. This preserves and strengthens the cultural fabric of the place. Various competitions were also organized among children and adults for cultural awareness during last year. This reflects a cosmopolitan approach of the inhabitants. Company, keeping in mind the health and safety of commuters from ASRON village, has built bus stop shelters for travelers to Ropar or Balachaur etc. These shelter designs are conceptualized on most modern lines. With a view to avoid accidents, the road beams have been provided with drums and shrubs so that demarcated road sides are visible to drivers during night. This also protects pedestrians, especially children and woman from highway traffic. .