Our people are our culture. And our people make DCM a great place to work. We also love the idea of making our world more sustainable. Equally important to what we do, is “how” we do it. At DCM, when every personnel lives and works according to our values, we breathe life into our vibrant and unique culture each and every day. Equally important, our associates experience these values every day through their manager, their peers and the teams they support. The DCM Group, has also been known for promoting arts, theatre, culture, education, music and sports and separate Institutions have been setup to continue these initiatives giving ample opportunities to our employees to participate in extra-curricular activities and in-house events. DCM is seeking associates who think differently, learn from failure and challenge the status quo. At DCM, we understand that without risk, there is no reward. Our best innovations are created by associates who take pride in working collaboratively across race, gender and culture.
At DCM Engineering it is the knowledge, skills, passion and commitment of 1800 personnel to drive the organization towards its goal. Beginning with the finest Engineers and professionals at the tiller to a highly proficient team in Administration & Management with the backing of well-trained Technicians. Here learning never ends. Personnel receive complete training at the time of induction which helps themselves to align with the goals of the organization. Aggrandize the knowledge levels of employees with the help of training programmes.
Employee well-being is an essential feature at DCM Engineering. Measures like insurance cover, med claim, Super Annuation Fund, Long service reward, Education facility, housing colony, canteen services are few benefits to personnel. Safety rules and regulations incorporated in the Factories Acts are strictly adhered to so as to maintain a safe and healthy working environment at the plants. Programmes on health and safety are conducted frequently to enhance awareness amongst employees.
In a knowledge based environment, Gurukul is the real asset of our organization, hence the company lays emphasis on constant employee training and skill development in the areas of technology and behavioral aspects. We train our employees to enhance their knowledge and skill. At DCM, training is a continuous process to make our employees to meet the new challenges and for their career growth. The training needs of managers are identified through competency mapping, skill matrix and also through PMS.
We engage external Subject Matter Experts, apart from our In-house trainers to train our employees.
The training modules includes continual improvements programmes like KAIZEN, Six Sigma, 5’S’, Systems (TS-16949, EMS, OSHAS etc.) apart from progammes on Personality Development, Leadership development, Behavioral subjects.